Monday, October 12, 2009

Cross-shit sucks? naaah

C'mon, whats not to like about Crossfit?! You can have T shirts that let people know much of a badass you are! I mean, shit, its the new Affliction. You really can't make this shit up.


Only at athletics?


Alrite, it is Brooklyn...


They hired me to come up with this slogan :D


Now this I could buy.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Starting up

A blog or whatever to log my stuff, mostly training related. I'll share some thoughts if I feel like it. Leave a comment. I'm into powerlifting, probably doing a raw meet in a few months. Current stats

BW: 194, 14 percent fatass
Squat: 400?
Dead: 450?
Bench: 200?

Bench is low, been benching a little over a month now after rehabbing my right shoulder. Whatever. On Wendler's routine.

Oh, screw Crossfit